Tips to Clearer CCTV Footage with Your Commercial Security System
Security cameras are a staple for most business premises. However, simply having security cameras does not guarantee that quality surveillance that is being carried out at your business. There are cases whereby a business is burgled and the culprits cannot be identified because of low quality CCTV surveillance. To make the most of picture quality of your security system's cameras, there are a number of factors that you would have to consider. Here are some tips to clearer CCTV footage with your commercial security system.
Consider the resolution of your security system's cameras.
When selecting CCTV surveillance for your commercial security system, the first thing to consider would be the resolution of the cameras. This resolution of CCTV cameras is typically measured in lines. As such, the higher the lines, the clearer and sharper the images recorded will be. If you are surveilling a small area such as a corridor, then you can get away with opting for a lower number of lines.
However, if you are using the cameras to surveil the outside of your premises, the higher the lines should be so as to have a better image quality that could even achieve facial recognition of potential suspects.
Consider the mounting of your security system's cameras.
One aspect of CCTV surveillance some business owners tend to overlook is the mounting of the cameras. A common misconception made is that as long as the cameras are high enough, the better all-round view they will have of the premises. This is not entirely correct though. Your choice of mounting will have a significant impact on how the cameras can rotate as well as their scope of vision.
If you are mounting the cameras indoors, you should consider ceiling mounts rather than attaching the cameras to poles. Ceiling mounts give the cameras an all-round view of the area they are surveilling, thus ensuring that you have wider footage of the area. If you are mounting the cameras outdoors, consider parapet mounts rather than mounting the cameras on walls.
Consider the lighting available for your security system's cameras.
Lighting is prudent consideration when it comes to CCTV surveillance. Even if you already have light poles outdoors and indoor lighting, you should still consider separate lighting for your security cameras. This is because the light poles can easily be compromised and if the exterior is bathed in darkness, your cameras will not be able to record anything viable for use.
Consider having your security cameras installed with their own source of lighting that can rotate in tandem with the cameras to ensure constant illumination.